Bridge Content Explained
Good to know: new BMB Members' content is released every Monday before 9am.
How do I find the Bridge Content?
You can navigate to the Bridge Content two ways:
When you log-in to BMB you are taken automatically to your 'My Homepage'. Click 'Bridge Content' (in the 'Quick Access' box) or scroll down the page and you will see the ‘Bridge Content - New & Archive box’ where you can quickly access all the new and archive Bridge content on the site.
On the Menu bar you will see ‘Bridge Content’ – clicking this brings up a menu page with quick access to all the new and archive Bridge content as well as quick links to access other areas on the site.
What bridge content is there on BMB?
Live Shows
There are three live shows every week (apart from when Bernard is on holiday having a well-earned rest!). The three live shows are:
Monday Live Show - a free mini-seminar available to both Members and Non-Members.
Teams on BBO - a Members-only show where Bernard plays live online with commentary.
Friday Live Show - a Members-only mini-seminar on a different topic to the Big Seminar.
Quizzes and Hands of the Week
Easier Hand of the Week - an easier hand to get you thinking.
Harder Hand of the Week - a harder hand to challenge your knowledge.
Novice Bidding Quiz - a bidding quiz designed for those new to bridge.
Bidding Quiz - a bidding quiz for those who have been playing longer.
Play Quiz - decide on your play from an example board.
Lead Quiz - "what card do you lead?"
Seminars and Set Hands
Bernard's Monthly Big Seminar - the long seminar that introduces the topic of the month.
Mixed Set Hands - set hands designed for revision of the topics covered in BMB.
Let's look at each of these in more detail...
Released Monthly
Big Seminar’ with x8 accompanying Set Hands
Every month – Bernard releases a new ‘Big Seminar’ with x8 accompanying Set Hands. This is the topic of the month, and stemming from the ‘Big Seminar’ Bernard discusses the topic in each Monday Live throughout the month. There are four options to play or review these Set Hands (note: please see the ‘Practice and Play Overview – Playing options’ for full info on these options).
Mixed Set Hands
Available for the last one or two weeks of each month – see the BMB Calendar for the online playing schedule.
Released Weekly
Weekly Live Shows
Each week Bernard presents 3 live shows – they can be watched live or later at your leisure:
11.00am Monday LIVE (FREE to ALL – members & non-members) This is based on the topic of the month, extending from the monthly ‘Big Seminar’
7:30pm Wednesday Teams LIVE (members only) Bernard's live Teams shows. Watch Bernard play live (or later at your leisure) while he talks through his play. There is an optional live chat interaction with fellow viewers and Bernard.
Once a month there is a Prize Teams game – winners of the weekly Lead (Prize) Quiz play alongside Bernard.
There is sometimes a Pairs Game (pre-recorded), in which Bernard will have played in the previous Monday BMB evening game alongside fellow BMB members.
11.00am Friday LIVE (members only) This live show includes a Mini Seminar that covers a different topic from the monthly topic and is often covered over several weeks. Delving more deeply into subjects.
Hands of the Week
Easier Hand (of the week) Easier hands for you to try. Bernard talks through the bidding and play of an easier hand on the Q-Plus software.
Harder Hand (of the week) Harder hands for you to try. Bernard talks through the bidding and play of an harder hand on the Q-Plus software.
BMB Quizzes
Bidding Quiz Question and Answer presented on video.
Play Quiz A still image with a written question is followed by Bernard’s video answer.
Lead (Prize) Quiz
The BMB weekly Lead Quiz. Also known as the Prize Quiz. Try this quiz to see how you score out of 10. Your Lead Quiz Points will show in 'Your Activity' above. If you score 10/10 then you have the opportunity to enter into the Lead Quiz Prize Draw to play in the Prize Teams Game alongside Bernard.
Novice Quiz Question and Answer presented on video.
Access to all the monthly and weekly content above in our archives.
BMB Courses
Begin Bridge
Bridge Glossary
BRIDGE Magazine
Charity Videos
Bridge Chat
New BMB Forums!
General Discussions
Bridge Questions – Ask Julian Pottage
Laws & Ethics – Ask David Stevenson
Looking to Play Online
BMB Novices
Website Suggestions
BMB Forums Archive – forums migrated from the old website (no further comments possible – use for reference only).
Facebook Group (members private group) – click link to take you to the Facebook page.
Last updated